
Daily Math: Tournament Of Towns 2023 2024


Here are my approaches to some problems in Tournament of Towns 2023/2024 (Fall 2023, Senior A-level.) I’ve heard a lot about Tournament of Towns, but this is my first try to solve problems in Tournament of Towns. I recorded time taken to solve each problem, to express how that problem was difficult for me.

These are not perfect solutions; they're my approaches (brief solutions), so there might be some logical loophole. Please let me know via comments :)

Check out the problems at here!

Problem 1 (≤5’)

After I read this problem, I was almost sure that the answer must be equal. In detail, I believed there must be a way to pair two roots completely. Fortunately, it was not so hard to find the way.

Let \[ p_{(a_0, a_1, …, a_{45})}(x) = \sum_{0\leq i\leq45} a_i x^i \] and \[ X_{(a_0, a_1, …, a_{45})} = \lbrace x~\vert~ p_{(a_0, a_1, …, a_45)}(x)=0 \rbrace \] where \(a_i \in \left\{1,2,...,46\right\}\). Then, we can easily show \[ \forall x\in X_{(a_0, a_1, …, a_{45})}\quad x<0. \] Also, it is trivial that \[ \left\lbrace\frac1x \vert x \in X_{(a_0, a_1, …, a_{45})}\right\rbrace = X_{(a_{45}, a_{44}, …, a_0)}. \] Because \(\left\lbrace x+1, \frac1x+1 \right\rbrace = \left\lbrace positive, negative \right\rbrace\) for \(x<0\),

\[ \left\vert\left\lbrace x \vert x\in X_{A} \cup X_{A^{-1}} \wedge x+1>0\right\rbrace\right\vert = \left\vert\left\lbrace x \vert x\in X_{A} \cup X_{A^{-1}} \wedge x+1<0\right\rbrace\right\vert \]

where \(A=(a_0, a_1, ..., a_{45})\) and \(A^{-1}=(a_{45}, a_{44}, ..., a_0)\). Obviously for every \(A\) we can find \(A^{-1}\neq A\), the answer must be equal.

Problem 2 (20’)

I tried to solve smaller problem first, so I generalized the numeral system and observed \(N\) from unary to ternary by hand. Let \(N(d)\) be \(N\) for \(d\)-base numeral system.

\[ {\lbrace N(d)\rbrace}_{d=1}^3 = \lbrace1,3,7\rbrace = \lbrace2^1-1, 2^2-1, 2^3-1\rbrace \]

From observation, I guessed \(N(d)\) would be \(2^d-1\).

Proof. \(N(1)=2^1-1\) (base condition). Let’s assume \(N(d)=2^d-1\) and show \(N(d+1)=2^{d+1}-1\) to apply mathematical induction. We can easily show \(N(d+1)\geq 2N(d)+1=2^{d+1}-1\) with a constructive solution:

\[ X(d+1) = X(d)\circ(d+1)\circ X(d) \]

where \(X(d)\) is one of the possible number whose length is \(N(d)\) and \(\circ\) is concatenation. Now let’s show \(N(d+1)\leq 2N(d)+1\). Obviously

\[ \left\vert\left\lbrace X(d+1)_i \in \lbrace1,2,…,d\rbrace \right\rbrace\right\vert \leq N(d) \]


\[ \left\vert\left\lbrace X(d+1)_i = (d+1) \right\rbrace\right\vert \leq N(d)+1 \]

because there must not be adjacent digits \((d+1)\). These two inequalities easily prove \(N(d+1)\leq 2N(d)+1\). Finally, \(N(d+1)=2N(d)+1 \Rightarrow N(d)=2^{d}-1\).